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“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


If you came looking for a positive change in your life, you've come to the right place. This may be the sign you were expecting.


I am Ana and I went through moments of darkness, loss and anxiety. My work reflects all the dives I’ve already done, and I still do, in my individual process. Everything I teach is part of what I practiced with me, back to myself.


All the tools and teachings I’ve got to share with you will help you on your way of reconnection with yourself so that you can live a happier life.

My personal experience has taught me that we all need to follow a holistic path, which is not the same for all of us. We all have deep emotional wounds, blocks, and patterns that we need to be aware of so that we can reconnect with our Soul and our inner light.


All the trainings that I have attended along the way helped me move towards my personal healing, self-knowledge, during a very hard period of my life. Loss, anxiety, depression and illness have generated a lot of bad feeling in my life and in my body. It was necessary to go beyond the obvious, and finally I realized that an unhappy mind created an unhappy reality, that a mind focused on loss and in the past generated and nourished the disease.

However, I could not get out of my body, I could not erase the events of the past. With time and the all the knowledge I got, I discovered that I had the potential to use my mind, that same mind that have been limiting me, to study, to focus on the right things and to heal. Deep down, I had in me and in my mind the power to create the changes that I wanted to see in my real life.

"...I could not get out of my body

I could not erase the events

of the past."

When I was reborn, I realized that my mission would be to guide others in their inner awakening in a loving, informed and authentic way, where each person can rescue their health, happiness and inner peace.


I started my journey through Reiki, a therapy for which I continue to nourish a great love. It is, therefore, one of the trainings that I always keep in my training schedule. With this training, the migraines that were part of my life for more than 14 years ended, as well as many other symptoms. Then, I just needed to let myself be guided by my Soul every single moment, realizing the common thread of life and the flow through which it leads me.

Life has brought you here, to me. And here I am, with open arms to welcome you. Let’s do it?


Curso Terapeutas Casa Índigo

Curso de auto-cura Casa Índigo nível 1 e 2

Curso de auto-cura Nível 3 – Biohealing

Curso de Reiki Tradicional

Curso Reiki Essencial

Curso Reiki Estrelar


Curso Escuela Espanola Desarrollo Transpessoal 


Curso Tarot Anjos – Doreen Virtue

Curso Reconexão – Eric Pearl

Curso Biomagnetismo Médico


Pranic Healing

Advavanced Pranic Healing

Pranic Psychotherapy


Magnified Healing

Divine Diamond Healing

University Metaphysical Sciences

Master Ciências Esotéricas

Alma Terapia

Despertar da Missão


Lemurian Facilitator

Atlântida e Sistema de Cura (Nível 1) e Master Facilitadora


Inspiração para uma Vida Mágica - Pedro Vieira

Objetivos sem Limites - Susana Torres


Eft Tapping

Eft Tapping Abundance


Estudos em Astrologia - New Paradigm Astrology e Isabella Mezzadri


In the therapy sessions, I use a combination of techniques that I have enhanced with my personal experience, integrating various deeply transformative and personalized modalities in each case.

My work brings each person's awareness of their emotional wounds, their patterns and blockages. This allows people who are tired of living cycles of pain and suffering, and those who wish to connect with their heart, to trust life and feel the light. Aware of their personal power, they can rescue their self-love.

I do not offer answers, but I share with you a set of tools that you can integrate into your life and that allow you to create your own changes. Effective changes that bring you lightness, joy of living and the awareness that you have the power to take the control of your life.

What you say, feel and do, everything, must be in sync so that you can live in harmony. It is this state of synchrony between body, mind and spirit that creates inner harmony and, consequently, harmony in all areas of our life.


I believe that it’s when we go deeper in our shadows, that we finally find the sweetest seeds of our Soul, healing, solutions and all that we need to overcome our experience.


The Journey is individual and insurmountable, the healing is individual, but now that we have met, you no longer need to walk this path alone, nor learn through the challenges that life has for you. You can learn to do your process in a loving and sustained way, always with me around. I believe that, together, we can create the harmony that you are looking for.

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