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Data Protection

Your privacy and personal data protection are very important to us. We are always committed to guarantee the privacy of all our Clients and users.

Proteção de Dados

We are committed to respect and protect your personal data, as well as all information collected on the site. All the data will only be used by our team and it will never be transmitted to other people.

Personal information will be gathered exclusively as a way to improve the communication between our team and our Clients and users providing them access to a set of tools and services.

This agreement may be changed without prior notice, but never compromising the security and privacy of your personal data.

Which information do we collect?

Our team only collects personal data that is necessary for providing our services or for our products sales, such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address and others considered necessary.

The personal information that you provide when registering the site is intended for the newsletter subscription, services purchase or order fulfilment. This is why there are several forms on the website.

The collected data is provided by the customer when they would like to purchase at least one of the services and / or products.

Whenever you provide us with your personal data you are automatically granting us the right to collect information for our personal database, where that data will be processed by computer according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Your personal data will be stored and will not be used for any purpose other than our website and the services / products under our responsibility.

If you are under 18, your registration on this site, whether for newsletter, services and / or products, requires the authorization of your parents, educator or legal tutor.

Where do we use your personal information?

The information you provide us will be used as follows:

  1. Personalization of emails, newsletter or other services provided directly on the website

  2. Improve our services with feedback from our website

  3. Provide customer support as efficiently as possible

  4. Publicize services, workshops, contests, promotions, questionnaires or other resources

  5. Disclose our newsletter, promotional materials and / or events

  6. Send emails and use other forms of communication that allow the contact between our team and Clients and users

  7. Send text messages

Regardless of the data transferred to us, these will never be used publicly and / or privately without prior consent; nor will they be sold, exchanged or transferred to other people without prior consent.

Our team, through the company represented by Ana Tavares, is the legal controller of your data.

The privacy of our users and customers is very important to us, so there is a commitment to protect your personal information.

You have the right to revoke the right of access to your personal data at any time, to rectify, cancel or delete it. For this purpose, send an email to with the subject: Personal Data - Privacy Policy.


Cookies are small files automatically generated by the site or your server, and they transfer certain information to the computer's hard disk through your browser, allowing it to recognize the sites and / or providers in your browser by memorizing certain information.
Our cookies in the login area are used to memorize the selected items and your preferences in future visits, so that we can offer you a more comfortable experience and the most appropriate tools.All service providers that we may hire are not authorized to use your personal; eventually, they may have access to your name to improve our services.

Other connections and partnerships

Our team can link our contents to other websites in order to improve our services and disseminate useful information to our users and clients.
Our privacy policy applies only to our website and is not extendable to partnerships or other links. If you access to another website through a link, we encourage you to read their privacy policy.

Our team is not responsible for other websites’ privacy policy or contents.

Purchase Confirmation

When you buy a product and / or service on our website, you receive an automatic email with the identification of your member area and the data related to your purchase.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, send us an email to

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