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Every day I feel that I have an Angel who protects me, who helps me through my journey. This Angel is Ana, an Angel on Earth.
"I found" Ana through a social media post where she announced the launch of an e-book about the Moon. It made so much sense to me and made me curious about it, so I subscribed the E-Book.
After three months, I can say that Ana makes a difference in my life.

With the desire to find myself as a woman and a mother and to calm my Soul, I found in Ana's therapies many answers, lots of support and Love.

Big kiss


I don’t remember how Ana showed up in my life... But I’m glad that she did...

The words she uses in each e-book always seem to come towards me. My heart is calmer and I feel accompanied, and even though I do not know Ana personally it’s as if I do know her.

Whenever I have any doubts or any fear, I know that I can find Ana and she will have kind words and a wise advice to give me. For all this, I advise all of you who have any doubts about joining the e-book to listen to your heart. It will certainly point you in the right direction. I strongly recommend Ana’s work. Thank you, Ana!

With a big hug,


How wonderful it is to do anything with you!!!!

There are people and angels on Earth. Ana is an Angel. With fantastic energy.

Tuned with the "transcendent girls".

She already knows our history even without listening to us!!!!!!

And it's worth to meet her to receive that special hug of hers!


I've met Ana, I'll say almost by coincidence, because of her Tarot of Angels course. But the truth is that there are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason.

I wanted to do it a long time ago and I did it at the right time. More than a course, it was a moment of openness, sharing and even spiritual development, always with Ana's guidance, sensitivity and availability for details that needed her intervention. There was also some fun, because Ana is a happy soul!

Those were undoubtedly moments of (re)encounter and learning.

Big kiss to you, Ana.


I met Ana through the admirable world of social media, a happy coincidence when she shared a post about the connection to the Moon which immediately called my attention.

At this point in my life, investing my energy in my personal development and self-discovery is my priority. I believe that when I consciously committed myself to it, the Universe started to introduce me to the right people. Ana is undoubtedly one of those people! I joined the group Sintonia com a Lua, which allows me to explore my intimate self, monthly. This inner journey is magnificent! I immediately identified myself with Ana's writing and, later, on a more therapeutic level, I realized that it was so easy to like Ana and to understand her words. I believe that when we communicate with love, from our essence, our souls recognize this empathy effortlessly. And dear Ana has this gift! Gratitude is not enough for everything that she brings to our lives. Congratulations and all the luck to this new project!


Ana is completely aligned with her life purpose: to help others. To do it, she uses several tools to have access to what each one of us needs at every single moment. It has been so with me and with those who I recommend Ana to. They are in love with her and her work. If you need someone who connects to you to help you on your journey, Ana is the right person.




Dear Ana,

It is with great love and joy that I send you my testimony about what has been my experience of life since we’ve met in this digital/virtual world.

I had long been looking for a path that made sense for me to follow, something with which I felt attached, something to make me wake up from the “half-life” I felt I was living.

There are many tribes that are created, different perspectives and approaches, but all of them with the same purpose: Connection with us and mother nature, but, with you, the energy spoke louder.

You appeared at the right time in my life, neither early nor late.

Ebooks with Moon Rituals are a constant learning and it is amazing how in each of them you can always convey something new and meaningful to each of the phases of my life, making me feel connected and confident in my life’s process.

And in this process, the consultations are liberating, they promote cure and the beginning of change, even if they make us contact with hidden and painful memories, some of them unknown to us.

The truth is that being connected to my own journey and to all the experiences that I’m living since we’ve met, led me to discover more about myself, even without looking for it.

For all this and for all the good things that are still coming, I am immensely grateful to you for the person and human being that you are for your life purpose and your inspiration.

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